Is Personal Data of Deceased Person Protected?

7 Baku St. U. L.Rev. 31 (2021)
Article language: Azerbaijani.


Because we live in an age of technology, digital devices, social media, cloud connectivity have become an integral part of our lives. The more the Internet and social networks expand, the more information is being shared online by Internet users. This article will analyze the possibility of using a dead person’s personal data collected and stored during his/her lifetime and the consequences of using such information after the death within the framework of the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In addition, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be examined whether there is a regulation on the processing of personal data of the deceased, and foreign practice for the protection of personal data will be considered. Thus, by interpreting the personal data security legislation of different countries concerning to the deceased, gaps and shortcomings in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan on personal data protection will be identified and a number of proposals will be made for changes and improvements in local legislation.

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