Article language: Azerbaijani.
Unlike national and international law, European law, and on the other hand, the interrelation of national legal systems in the 28 (27) Member States of the European Union, has a specific place from two perspectives: first, from the point of view of the EU and, secondly, from that of the member states. The article analyzes various approaches to the understanding of European law and the role of the “interaction” element here, as well as the relationship between the European Union and the Irish legal system, which entered EU on the special terms. The foundations of the relationship between the Irish legal system and EU law have been clarified, and the results of these principles on the functioning of the state are highlighted. On the other hand, the impact of EU law’s direct effect on the laws and courts of its member states was discussed, and the results obtained in this regard, as well as the relationship between the European Court of Justice and the national courts. As a result, the superior legal position of the European Union law was put to the forefront as a result of the interaction between the EU law and the legal system of its member states.
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