Submission requirements are the criteria for assessment process of articles. Submitted articles have to follow the Review Policy where applicable.
Table of contents
Technical requirements
1. Article has to be in Word document file (with .docx file extension);
2. In “Times New Roman” font, with font size 12, line spacing 1;
3. Citations must be on the page (on footnote);
A. Citation to books:
i. Authors’ name has to be separated with [and];
ii. While writing the name of the book, words (except auxiliary words) has to be started with capital letters;
iii. In case of citation to paragraphs, there must be the sign [§], to page [53], to pages [53-57];
iv. In case of citation to another version of the book, write the version in the bracket before publishing year;
v. In case of citation to the same book of the same author, therein after it has to be written author’s last name, then the cited page number of the book. Examples:
a. Catherine A. Mackinnon, The Sexual Harassment of Working Women, 57 (1979);
b. Fleming James and Geoffrey C. Hazard, Civil Procedure § 2.35 (3rd ed. 1985);
c. Supra note, Mackinnon, 58.
vi. If the book is edited or translated, first it is written the name of translated or edited version of the book, then the translator’s and/or editor’s name before publishing year in brackets, the point must be placed at the end of each reference.
B. The citation to periodic publications and/or articles:
i. Names of the authors are separated by commas;
ii. Titles of academic articles or writings are indicated by italic;
iii. Except for the auxiliary words, all of the words of titles of articles or writings are started by capital letters;
iv. Number of edition or issue of the periodic publication, then the name of the publication;
v. Beginning page of the article;
vi. Cited page;
vii. At the end the year of publication is written in the brackets;
viii. In case of citation to the same author’s article or writing, author(s)’s surname(s) and the citation page is indicated. For example:
a. Carolyn Heilbrun, Judith Resnik, Convergences: Law, Literature, and Feminism, 99 Yale Law Journal 1913, 1942 (1990);
b. Heilburn, Resnik, 1943.
C. In case of citation to laws, constitutions, cases official name of the document is written. In case of citation to the translated version, the name is written as a translated version.
D. In case of citation to internet resources following rules should be considered:
i. In case of citation to internet resources the name of the material on the page and the broadcasting year has to be indicated (in brackets);
ii. After the introducing web address of the resource, indicate your last visit to the resource after writing [last visit] in brackets:
a. Infographic: Amazon's Online Sales Dwarf the Competition Statista Infographics (2014), (last visited Jul 18, 2015).
b. The U.S. Corporate Tax Dodge (2014), (last visited Jul 18, 2015).
E. The sources as blogs, news sites, Wikipedia aren’t considered as reliable sources. Only citations to the authoritative news websites (as The New York Times, Washington Post, etc.) and official websites are considered as admittable;
F. Statistical information has to be cited from only official websites.
4. The page count has to be more than 7 pages;
5. The referred Russian literature haven’t to be over 2, the number of citations to Russian literature shouldn’t be more than 20% of all citations;
6. It has to be written in academic (scientific) style;
7. It has not to be plagiarized.
Substantive requirements
Substantive requirements are requirements for content of article. Submitted article can be in English or Azerbaijani.
The content consists of:
1. Abstract in both English and Azerbaijani;
2. Introduction;
3. Body of the article;
4. Conclusion.
A. The Abstract summarizes your article. What has been tried to solve and your solution to this problem is shortly written in the abstract.
B. In the Introduction part, the issue of the article is introduced and the claim is shown.
C. Body of the article consists of paragraphs or parts. In these paragraphs, you make a reasoning of your claim, analyze doctrines and so on.
D. Conclusion delivers all summary of the content of your article. The conclusion has to be given as brief as possible.
Basic principles for the content of the article:
i. The claim is the statement or sentence that cover all thought of author about the issue or legal problem that you research or solution of the problem. For finding your claim, you should find the problem you are going to write about. The problem can be doctrinal, empirical or historical. The problem has to be only legal (neither political nor religious…). The claim can be descriptive or prescriptive or both descriptive and prescriptive;
ii. Novelty. Your article has to be a new one: it has to say something, which hasn't been said before. The best way of newness is by writing such an article with a heading that has never been written before. The second way is choosing such a case that has never mentioned anywhere before. Alternatively, make the case more comprehensive for a new look of the claim;
iii. Non-obviousness. Maybe your claim is a new one but it has also to be non-obvious, means that it shouldn't be obvious to much more people. Keep in your mind that your article will be read by professionals (professors, teachers, editors of the journal, and other people working in this field). You can also eliminate this problem by adding a feature never mentioned before to obvious content. To check whether your statement is non-obvious or not, it is recommended to get help from faculty members or professionals;
iv. Utility. You are writing the article for readers and the readers` benefits from your article increase the value of your article. The readers may find something useful via your article. Ask yourself: How can I make my article useful not only for critical thinking scholars, but also for lawyers, judges and students? Also, your propositions in the article don't have to be opposite to law policy that the majority may take advantage of them. The statement, which will create a new legal debate, is useful too. It's not recommended either to use emotional expressions, jargons which will cause readers' deviation from your article. Emotional and such other expressions are taken into consideration of effecting reader's emotions and as the reader doesn't see it as a logical solution, the statement will be useless;
v. Soundness. Ideas that you present don't have to be emotional; they should make sense. Just to mention a problem and not show any solutions to it decreases the interest in your article. Try to give more reasonable solutions.
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